Why bother?
An enormous number of events are logged every single day. Typically, it is hard to manage this amount of data without a specialized application; in addition to this, it is almost impossible to correlate any suspicious activity manually by analyzing connections and tendencies. Do you know what is happening in your infrastructure right now? Are your servers running? Is there a new device in your network? A SIEM solution helps alleviate the problem of searching through this data by hand; additionally, it helps to identify any suspicious activity and issue alerts on critical events. Typically, 90% of all warnings are false positives and it requires expertise and specific knowledge to interpret the remaining 10%.
What do we offer?
Our solution ensures proper storage of log files according to the time period required by law; additionally, we offer in-depth analysis of logs without the need of procuring any extraneous solutions or equipment. Our qualified specialists will analyze your organization’s logs and notify you of any cases where the security of your organization may be under any threat by identifying any suspicious activity.
What does it mean to my organization?
We offer an innovative solution which, when compared to the other SIEM solutions available in the market today, has considerably lower software licensing and equipment procurement costs. In addition to this, the cost of integrating and configuring systems, as well as the services of a specialized IT security consultant are already included in the monthly subscription fee. Lastly, to increase the level of security, our solution is completely isolated from your existing IT environment.
Who is it designed for?
Governmental and municipal institutions.
What are the benefits?
This service is provided by Squalio.
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