You are a system administrator working in a modern environment, using Active Directory for user and resource management, but have started to notice unexpected behaviour? Group policies are not working as expected, synchronization issues between domain controllers, problems with DNS, domain trusts, etc.?
These are typical symptoms for problems that usually grow as your IT environment grows and undergoes daily changes. Maybe you join multiple directories, create new federations and change existing ones, or, maybe, change AD functional level, upgrade and update controllers – lots of bigger and smaller tasks must be completed to keep your company working…
Active Directory Assessment will help you to understand the root cause of various problems and to identify remediation steps to keep AD in a healthy state.
How does it work?
Depending on the size of infrastructure and complexity of the organization the Assessment takes 3–4 weeks to complete.
As a result, an Assessment Report is produced which includes the following sections:
Results are presented in an online meeting.
How much does it cost?
Price: 4,000 EUR without VAT
Service available also in Azure Marketplace:
Belgium; Denmark; Netherlands; Finland; France; United Kingdom; Germany; Italy; Norway; Poland; Sweden; Switzerland.
Why choose us?
Since 1997, when our Company was founded, we are Microsoft’s partners and are working closely with Microsoft to deliver the best solutions and expertise for our customers.
During the years we have earned a number of Microsoft awards and have a Microsoft Gold partner status for infrastructure and cloud solutions by creating and maintaining some of the most complex infrastructure environments.
This service is provided by Squalio.
A Squalio representative will contact you shortly.
We are happy to share our knowledge, experience and expertise. Let us know what you need, and we will contact you directly.