
Cybersecurity training for employees

The only employee cybersecurity training including a real social engineering test. Convenient for employees, easy for managers.
Improve your organization’s cybersecurity today!
Fill in the application form and get an offer for cybersecurity awareness training in your organization.

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Rail Baltic

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kiberdrošības apmācības darbiniekiem klātienē


kiberdrošības apmācības darbiniekiem video zvanā

Video call

kiberdrošības apmācības darbiniekiem e-apmācību platformā

Online e-learning platform

Why is it important to educate your employees about IT security?

The main purpose of the training is to educate your employees to:

Avoid posing a threat to the organization’s computer network and the sensitive information it contains

Be able to spot and respond accordingly to “suspicious emails

Understand your organization’s rules on the use of computers

Be able to create a secure password and understand why it needs to be changed regularly

Be aware that any employee can be a potential target of attack

Learn to use social networks and mobile devices responsibly

Content of the course

By registering for the training, each employee will receive access to the e-learning platform. There, the employees will be able to find and go through 8 video lectures in Latvian language on the following topics: 

After finishing all 8 video lectures, each employee will have to take a knowledge assessment (test).

Company’s management will receive regular reports via email on the learning progress and level of engagement of all employees. 

Noskaidro kiberdrošības apmācību efektivitāti veicot sociālās inženierijas simulāciju

A real social engineering test

To put the recently gained knowledge into practice, we recommend conducting a real social engineering test/attack simulation after every employee has finished the course. 

Steps of the test/attack simulation: 

We care that your employees think critically, are knowledgeable, and that all company data is protected.

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